Posted on 2/15/2022
A car cannot safely operate without a water pump. A water pump maintains the necessary car temperature for a car to be functionable through a series of operations. HOW DOES A WATER PUMP WORK? A water pump uses an impeller blade, also referred to as a rotor, which is the part of the pump that rotates to push the water out from the center of rotation. It moves through the engine block, which is the metal structure containing the cylinder, oil passages, cooling jacket, and crankcase which altogether transfers heat from friction to the atmosphere and engine coolant, then through the hoses and radiator, maintaining the proper temperature. For your car to submit to high temperature conditions and run smoothly and cooly, a vehicle’s engine needs coolant to flow through the radiator and engine. The water pump perpetuates that rotation to consitently maintain an operatative temperature. When there is an issue with the water pump, the temperature will not be maintained and your ... read more
Posted on 2/1/2022
Spark plugs play an instrumental part in powering up your vehicle. It is essential for the safety of the driver as well as the life of your vehicle that they are in good condition. Disastrous misfires can occur if a vehicle is started when they need replacing. As a result, very costly repairs can follow because driving with misfiring spark plugs can put excessive, inordinate stress on a vehicle’s catalytic converter, which is an engine’s exhaust cleaner. HOW DO SPARK PLUGS OPERATE? A spark plug by definition is a device that transports electric current from the ignition system of a vehicle to the combustion chamber of a spark-ignition engine. That transportation ignites the mixture of the compressed fuel and air by an electric spark, while containing combustion pressure within the engine. They only remove heat and cannot create it. They operate as a heat exchanger pulling unwanted thermal energy from the combustion chamber to the engine cooling system.  ... read more